Aloe cameronii care: tips on growing the red aloe

Размножение алоэ

Это одна из самых простых в размножении культур. Алоэ проще размножить отделением дочерних отпрысков при пересадке (отделять можно только дочерние розетки, которые образовали собственные корни) или черенкованием.

У этой культуры можно использовать как верхушечные, так и листовые черенки. Укоренение проводят под колпаком в легком песчаном субстрате, поддерживая легкую влажность почвы и обеспечивая длительный световой день дополнительной досветкой. Срезы желательно подсушить до посадки.

Выращивание из семян в домашних условиях используют редко. Их высевают в неглубокие контейнеры, в стерильный песчаный субстрат, поверхностно, под пленку или стекло. Молодые растения очень боятся переувлажнения и любых контактов – их аккуратно пикируют только после появления второго листа.


Vegetative characteristics

Aloe cameronii grows trunk-forming and branches out from its base. The upright trunks are up to 150 centimeters long and 3 to 4 centimeters wide. Usually they are covered with dried up leaf remnants. On the top 30 to 50 centimeters are the perennial, triangular leaves , the tips of which are pointed, and form rosettes . Their green leaf blades , which usually turn copper-red in winter , are 40 to 50 centimeters long and 5 to 7 centimeters wide. The stinging, light brown teeth on the leaf margin are 2 to 3 millimeters long and 10 to 15 millimeters apart.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence consists of two to three branches and reaches a length of 60 to 90 centimeters. The rather dense, cylindrical, slightly pointed grapes are 10 to 15 centimeters long and 7 to 8 centimeters wide. The egg-shaped-pointed bracts have a length of 2 millimeters and are 3 millimeters wide. The bright scarlet flowers are on 3 to 5 millimeter long peduncles . The occasionally slightly club-shaped flowers are 45 millimeters long and rounded at their base. At the level of the ovary , they have a diameter of 5 to 7 millimeters. Above that, the flowers are slightly expanded and slightly narrowed towards the mouth. Your outer tepals are not fused together over a length of 12 to 15 millimeters. The stamens and the style stick out about 5 millimeters from the flower.

Систематика и распространение

Алоэ Cameronii распространено в Зимбабве , Малави , Мозамбике и Замбии . Aloe cameronii var. Cameronii растет в Малави, Мозамбике, Замбии и Зимбабве в мелких карманах на гранитных скалах на высоте от 1280 до 2070 метров. Алоэ cameronii var. Bondana распространено в Зимбабве на гранитных холмах, а Aloe cameronii var. Dedzana — в Малави и Мозамбике на скалистых холмах.

Первое описание на Уильяме Botting Хемли было опубликовано в 1903 году.

Различают следующие разновидности :

  • Алоэ Cameronii var. Cameronii
  • Алоэ Cameronii var. Bondana Reynolds
  • Алоэ cameronii var. Dedzana Reynolds

Aloe cameronii var. Bondana
Отличия от Aloe cameronii var. Cameronii : побеги обычно простые, от 60 до 180 сантиметров в длину. Более мясистые и несколько булавовидные цветки обычно имеют цвет от желтоватого до оранжевого цвета и от 38 до 40 миллиметров в длину.

Первое описание сорта Гилбертом Вестакоттом Рейнольдсом было опубликовано в 1966 году.

Aloe cameronii var. Dedzana
В отличие от Aloe cameronii var. Cameronii , сорт имеет густой кустарник, имеет побеги от 50 до 80 сантиметров и виноград от 20 до 25 сантиметров.

Первое описание сорта было также сделано Гилбертом Вестакоттом Рейнольдсом и опубликовано в 1965 году.

Common Pests


Mealybugs can sometimes be found on an Aloe cameronii. These pests are white and cottony-looking and can be found on the underside of leaves. If you notice these pests on your aloe, it is best to remove them with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol.

Scale Insects

These pests look like tiny, hard bumps on leaves and stems. Scales vary in color and size depending on the type of scale insect you have. If you notice these pests on your plant, it is best to remove them with warm water and a soft brush.


Aphids are small, green, or black insects that can be found in crevices. They suck sap from plants and will cause them to drop their leaves prematurely. Use natural insecticides to avoid damaging the plant.


  • Overwatering
  • Placing under harsh sunlight
  • Using poorly drained potting mediums
  • Fertilizing during dormancy

Propagating Aloe cameronii by Cuttings (Step-by-Step)

Aloe cameronii is a fairly easy succulent to propagate. You can do so by cuttings, offsets, or even by seeds. Propagation by cuttings is the easiest, which is why this is the recommended method.

To propagate by cuttings:

  1. Choose healthy, well-established plants with lots of leaves.
  2. Remove a healthy leaf from the plant by cutting it off at its base.
  3. Leave the cut end exposed to air for a few days so it can dry out (this prevents rot).
  4. Plant in a container filled with soil that drains well and let sit in partial shade until new roots start forming.

Aloe Cameronii blooms (“Aloe cameronii 5” by tonrulkens is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.)

Cultivation and Care

Aloe cameronii is a hardy succulent that requires minimal care, making it suitable for gardeners of all skill levels. It thrives in well-draining soil and can tolerate periods of drought once established.


To plant Aloe cameronii, choose a location with well-draining soil or use a cactus/succulent potting mix if planting in a container. Ensure the pot has drainage holes. Plant the aloe so that the base of the rosette is level with the soil surface. Water thoroughly after planting and then allow the soil to dry out before watering again.

Soil Preference

Aloe cameronii prefers sandy or gravelly soils that provide excellent drainage. It can tolerate a range of soil types, including loam, as long as they do not retain excessive moisture. The preferred pH range for this aloe is neutral to slightly acidic.


Water Aloe cameronii sparingly, as it is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. During the growing season (spring and summer), water only when the soil has completely dried out. Reduce watering frequency in the fall and winter when the plant is dormant. A sample watering schedule might be once every two to three weeks in the summer and once a month or less in the winter, depending on the climate.

Sun Requirements

Aloe cameronii requires full sun to partial shade to develop its characteristic red coloration. In extremely hot climates, some afternoon shade may be beneficial to prevent sunburn. Planting in a south-facing location or a sunny windowsill is ideal for achieving the best color and growth.


Pruning is generally not necessary for Aloe cameronii, except for the removal of dead leaves and spent flower stalks. Use clean, sharp tools to make precise cuts, and dispose of the removed material to maintain plant health and appearance.


Propagation of Aloe cameronii can be easily achieved through offsets, also known as pups, which form around the base of the parent plant. Gently separate the pups from the main plant and pot them in a well-draining soil mix to establish new plants.

Physical Characteristics


Aloe cameronii is known for its stunning red to copper-colored leaves, which give the plant its common name, ‘Starfish Aloe’. The leaves are long, narrow, and arch gracefully, creating an attractive rosette pattern. The leaf edges are lined with small, harmless teeth, giving the plant an added touch of visual interest.


In addition to its eye-catching foliage, Aloe cameronii ‘Starfish Aloe’ produces tall, slender flower stalks that rise above the leaves. The tubular flowers are typically orange-red, but can sometimes appear in shades of yellow or green. They bloom from late autumn to winter, adding a dash of color to the garden during the colder months. The flowers attract lots of pollinators so be on the lookout for bees and hummingbirds!

Cross this succulent off your wish list. Buy it on Etsy from the image above.


A mature Aloe cameronii plant can reach up to 2 feet in height and 3 feet in width. The flower stalks can grow an additional 2 to 3 feet, making this plant a striking focal point in any garden or landscape.

Условия выращивания для комнатного алоэ

Легендарное алоэ не случайно считается одним из самых выносливых растений. Они могут сохранять декоративность почти в любых условиях, если не забывать о теплолюбивости и происхождении видов. Абсолютно любые помещения с нормальными жилыми условиями подойдут для этих стойких суккулентов, и даже к разному освещению алоэ способны адоптироваться куда лучше кактусов и Ко.

Освещение и размещение

Виды алоэ отличаются по светолюбивости, но все без исключения могут хорошо расти и на солнечном подоконнике, и на светлом месте с рассеянным освещением. Считается, что алоэ хорошо переносят прямые солнечные лучи. Но адаптировать к солнцу растения нужно постепенно, а у сортовых растений или видов с оригинальным окрасом слишком интенсивное освещение может вызвать изменения, покраснения, истончения листьев.

От полуденного солнца растения лучше беречь. Притенение выносит только один вид — алоэ древовидное. Обычно алоэ само сигнализирует о нехватке освещения вытягиванием и деформацией листьев, изменением окраса на более бледный.

Несмотря на неприхотливость алоэ, зимой ему иногда сложно адаптироваться к короткому световому дню. Если есть возможность, особенно при теплой зимовке, алоэ нужно переставить на более освещенное место или обеспечить досветку. При зимовке в прохладе корректировать освещение нет нужды.

Для алоэ лучшим местом всегда считались восточные и западные подоконники или место у южных окон.

Температурный режим и проветривания

Алоэ принадлежит к теплолюбивым растениям и довольствуется комнатными температурами в период активного развития, жары не боится и искусственной стабилизации температур не требует.

На периоде покоя температуры важны только в том случае, если вы хотите добиться цветения алоэ. Стимулировать его можно только зимовкой при температуре хотя бы от 12 до 16 градусов с возможным понижением до 5-10 градусов. Если цветки — не цель, алоэ прекрасно себя чувствует в обычных комнатных условиях, но более капризно к освещению.

Алоэ обожает проветривания и доступ к свежему воздуху. При этом сквозняки чаще всего ему не страшны и растение отлично переносит даже резкие перепады температур. Это одно из комнатных растений, которые не боятся отопительных приборов и кондиционеров рядом, но со слишком сильным перегревом воздуха лучше не перебарщивать. Летом все виды алоэ можно выносить на отрытый воздух, но с обязательной защитой от осадков.

Алоэ дихотомическое (Aloe dichotoma). alloe

About Aloe cameronii

Aloe cameronii, or Red aloe, is a medium-sized, evergreen succulent plant native to Africa.

Among aloes, this one stands out due to the eye-catching coloration of its leaves. Red aloe leaves have a fleshy, undulating structure that displays different colors depending on how much sun and water the plant is getting.

Related Article: An overview of different types of Aloes

From burnished copper to glowing green to a popping red, its leaves shift colors frequently and with great fanfare.

If you’re looking for a succulent with a bit of pizzaz that doesn’t demand much in terms of care, Aloe cameronii is an excellent choice!

Botanical Name Aloe cameronii
Common Name Red Aloe
Family Asphodelaceae
Plant Type Succulent
Origin Africa
Maintenance Low
Height 1-2 feet
Width 2-4 feet
Light Full sun
Bloom season Spring, Winter
Bloom color Red, Orange
Water needs Low
Soil Well-Drained, Loamy, Sandy
Tolerant Deer, Drought
Toxicity Non-toxic
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I water my Aloe cameronii?Water deeply but infrequently during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce the watering frequency during the winter months.
  2. Can Aloe cameronii grow indoors?Yes, it can be grown indoors, provided it receives adequate light. Place it near a south-facing window or supplement with artificial light to maintain its vibrant leaf color. Typically, the lighting indoors isn’t enough for it to keep its deep red color so it will revert back to green.
  3. How long does it take for Aloe cameronii to flower?It typically blooms from late autumn to winter, although this may vary depending on the growing conditions and the plant’s overall health.
  4. Do I need to fertilize my Aloe cameronii?It benefits from occasional fertilization during the growing season. Use a balanced, liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength, applying it once every 4 to 6 weeks.
  5. Are the leaves edible?While some Aloe species, such as Aloe vera, are known for their edible and medicinal uses, it is not recommended to consume Aloe cameronii leaves. Stick to using the sap topically for minor skin irritations and injuries.

Succulent Light Guide
Succulent Watering Guide
Succulent Soil Guide
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Where to Buy Succulents Online

Basc Care for Aloe cameronii


Can you water your succulent more than what its need? The answer is yes and no. In extreme conditions, you can water your plants more often when you notice the soil is completely dry.

One simple tip for you is that you can use some online apps to check the soil status before you go water your succulents. I would recommend the ThePlantsCheck app, it has some nice features there.


Only feed this succulent during its active growing seasons which means no information. Use the right fertilizer applied in the right amounts. Applying half-strength balanced fertilizer every month or so is recommended for optimal results.

Do not fertilize during winter as the plant is dormant.

Sun & Location Requirements for «Red Aloe, Cameron’s Ruwari Aloe»

Aloe cameronii requires full sun in order to thrive. When choosing a spot for your succulent, make sure it gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. If the leaves start to look pale or weak, this could be an indication that the succulent isn’t getting enough light.

As per this succulent profile, it is only able to stay healthy when the environment temperature is above the range of zone 9b from 25° F to 30° F (-3.9° C to -1.1° C).

When temperatures drop below freezing, it is important to take precautions to protect Aloe cameronii from the cold. Insulating and providing adequate drainage for the plant are key elements in helping it survive winter weather. Wind and sun exposure should also be minimized to prevent frost damage.

Any succulents in the group will need a large space to grow. You should place your pot outdoor. Since this plant needs a lot of space than other succulents, you should consider not planting them together with other succulents/plants.


Succulents can be propagated easily by taking offsets from the mother plant and replanting them in fresh soil. The offset will eventually grow into a new succulent that is identical to its parent.

You can propagate Aloe cameronii by tuber. To do so, start by gently removing the existing plants from their pot or container and carefully examine the roots. Select healthy-looking tubers that have no signs of damage or rot to use for propagation.


Aloe cameronii

Aloe cameronii is generally non-toxic to humans and animals. However, it is important to be aware that certain parts of the plant may contain toxins which can cause mild skin irritation. It is advised that you keep the plants away from small children or pets, as they may unknowingly ingest them and suffer ill effects.

Pests and Diseases

Aloe cameronii can be affected common pests and diseases like most of the other succulents such as aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.

If you do spot any of pest signs, you can treat your succulent using below methods.

  • Aphids: quarantine, clean infected plants, soapy water.
  • Mealybugs: quarantine, clean infected plants, soapy water.
  • Scale insects: quarantine, clean infected plants, soapy water.

Besides that, to prevent serious health issues from happening, keep your succulent in a well-ventilated area and check it regularly for any signs of pests or health problems.


1: Aloe cameronii (Red Aloe) – Qamar Green Biotech

2, 3:

Алоэ — ботаническое описание растения

Алоэ представляет в комнатной культуре удивительное семейство Асфоделовых (Asphodelaceae). В природе алоэ встречаются только в пустынях, преимущественно на территориях Африки и обеих Америк. Особо представлено алоэ в флоре Мексики, где это растение поражает своим разнообразием. Алоэ — одно из древнейших растений на планете, похожее на кактусы по природному ареалу, но способное выжить даже там, где другие суккуленты высыхают и гибнут.

Целебные свойства алоэ оценили еще три тысячелетия назад, это одно из древнейших лекарственных растений, упомянутых в письменных источниках еще двухтысячелетней давности. Облик, как и свойства алоэ, остаются неизменными тысячелетиями.

Алоэ может претендовать на звание самого многоликого из суккулентов. Отдельные виды столь непохожи между собой, что их легче принять за другие культуры, чем за родственников. Среди алоэ есть кустарники, почвопокровники, декоративно-лиственные звезды. И каждый любитель может найти алоэ, которое понравится именно ему. Необыкновенное разнообразие не меняет «сути» этого удивительно простого растения. Отличаясь по внешнему виду, алоэ все равно остается суккулентом.

В роду алоэ есть как древовидные, так и бесстебельные растения. Все алоэ «начинаются» как крупная или компактная розетка листьев на сильно укороченном стебле. Стволы растут только с возрастом, у некоторых растений достаточно быстро одревесневают, у других остаются почти без изменений десятилетиями.

Высота алоэ колеблется от скромных 10 см до 1 м у древовидных видов. Отличительной чертой остаются мясистые листья – толстые, удлиненные, желобчатые, килевидные, всегда собранные в розетки — прикорневые или верхушечные. Способность накапливать воду в листьях и закрывать поры для остановки испарения воды во время длительной засухи позволяет алоэ выдерживать месяцы без полива, не теряя декоративности листьев.

Мякоть листа кажется желеобразной, разделена на ячейки. Во время засухи размер листьев уменьшается, при регулярном уходе они свою толщину увеличивают. Длина листьев колеблется от менее чем 10 см до 50-60 см. Правда, у комнатного алоэ максимальные размеры чаще ограничены 40 см.

Почти у всех алоэ листья зубчатые, с острыми шипами по краю, но встречаются и виды с гладкими листьями, и с покрытыми шипами по всей поверхности листьев. Шипы у алоэ преимущественно острые, но встречаются и мягкие, и реснитчатовидные.

Несмотря на то, что алоэ никогда не ассоциировались с цветением, некоторые виды при прохладной зимовке способны удивить и порадовать. Похожие на звездочки, удивительно изящные узкоколокольчатые или трубчатые миниатюрные цветки кажутся драгоценными на фоне мясистых листьев. Они собраны в пирамидки и прямые кисти соцветий и поднимаются над розетками на удивительно длинных цветоносах. Если алоэ цветут, то полюбоваться на их соцветия можно в декабре или январе, в самый разгар зимы.

Алоэ древовидное в природе. FarOutFlora

Growing Conditions

Soil Requirements

Aloe cameronii ‘Starfish Aloe’ thrives in well-draining soil, which is essential to prevent root rot. A mix of equal parts potting soil, coarse sand, and perlite or pumice is ideal. The soil should have a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 for optimal growth.

Consider amending your soil with Bonsai Jack’s gritty mix to ensure your succulent soil drains quickly to prevent it from staying moist for too long. Source: Etsy

Light Requirements

‘Starfish Aloe’ prefers full sun to light shade. In areas with intense summer heat, it may benefit from partial shade during the hottest part of the day. Too little sunlight can cause the leaves to lose their vibrant red color.

Cross this succulent off your wish list. Buy it on Etsy from the image above.


Aloe cameronii is drought-tolerant and requires minimal watering. During the growing season, water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce watering frequency during the winter months.

Temperature and Hardiness

Aloe cameronii ‘Starfish Aloe’ is hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11, tolerating temperatures down to 25°F (-4°C). It’s essential to protect the plant from frost, as it can cause significant damage or even death.


Aloe cameronii is a perennial, succulent plant that is part of the Asphodelaceae family. It is known for its rosettes of fleshy, lance-shaped leaves that are a distinctive green color but turn a deep, coppery red when exposed to full sun and minimal water. This color transformation is a stress response, which makes the plant highly valued for its ornamental appeal. Aloe cameronii does not have significant commercial value, but it is popular among succulent enthusiasts and gardeners who appreciate its unique appearance and low-maintenance requirements.

The plant is not considered invasive or problematic; rather, it is often used in drought-tolerant landscaping due to its ability to thrive in arid conditions. Its resilience and striking appearance make it a desirable addition to rockeries, succulent gardens, and as a container plant.


Aloe cameronii typically reaches a height of about 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm) with an equal spread. The growth rate is moderate, with the plant expanding gradually each month as new leaves form and old ones naturally wither. The roots of Aloe cameronii are fibrous and shallow, spreading out just below the soil surface. They are not known to cause problems with infrastructure or other plants, making Aloe cameronii an ideal choice for gardens where root invasion might be a concern.


The leaves of Aloe cameronii are its most notable feature. Simple description: The leaves are thick, fleshy, and sword-shaped with a pointed tip. They are arranged in a dense rosette pattern. Advanced botanical description: Each leaf measures approximately 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) in length and about 2 inches (5 cm) in width. The leaf margins are lined with small, white teeth, and the surface is smooth with a waxy cuticle that helps retain moisture. The color can range from green to a deep red-brown, depending on environmental stressors.


Aloe cameronii produces flowers typically during the cooler months. The inflorescences are tall, slender spikes that can reach up to 2 feet (60 cm) in height. Each spike is adorned with tubular, orange-red flowers that attract pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds. The blooming period may vary, but it generally occurs once the plant has reached maturity and is well-established.


The fruit of Aloe cameronii is a capsule that contains numerous seeds. However, the fruit is not commonly seen in cultivation as the flowers are often the primary focus for ornamental display.


Aloe cameronii has a short, stemless growth habit with the leaves forming directly from the plant’s base. Older specimens may develop a short, woody stem as the plant ages and the lower leaves die back.

Aloe Cameronii Care

Size & Growth

Aloe Cameronii is a medium-size plant, with attractive foliage grows up to 1′ – 2′ feet tall and 2′ – 4′ feet wide. 

It prefers moist and sandy soils in full sun or partial shade for a full, healthy shape. 

The evergreen red aloe grows at a slow-moderate rate and lives up to 40 years or more under perfect conditions.

Aloe Cameronii succulents are known to be drought-tolerant and hence make the best choice for drylands. 

Regarding its hardiness, Aloe Cameronii is hardy to zone 7 to 10; which shows the plant’s ability to uphold light frosts in winter. 

The Cameronii aloe is cultivated mostly indoors during cold weather conditions.

Flowering & Fragrance

The reason Aloe Cameronii is known as “red aloe” is because of its strikingly red attractive foliage color. 

Its intense hue is always in the spotlight and adds richness to the winter garden.  

The deciduous plant also has curving leaves, ranging from parrot green to coppery red in summer.

From late fall to winter, the aloe produces tall spikes on upright stems of bright orange-red flowers. 

The stems of the Aloe come with open rosettes 1′ – 2′ feet with medium-sized, dark green leaves. 

Gardeners and growers all over the world not only enjoy the unique appearance but also its musky, cinnamon-like scent.

Light & Temperature

For the healthy growth of Aloe Cameronii succulents, the plant needs maximum sunlight; which is why it is considered ideal to grow it in summer. 

Even when growing in winter, provide the Aloe with full, bright light.

The drought-tolerant plant likes warm temperatures from 70° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit (21° – 27° C). 

However, Cameronii is able to withstand 40° degrees Fahrenheit (4.5° C).

Watering & Feeding

  • Aloe Cameronii does not have high water requirements.
  • Irrigate occasionally in the warm season to enhance the attractive color of the leaves.
  • Avoid overwatering or under-watering. In both cases the leaves easily dry up or risk turning a sickly yellow color
  • Check the succulent plant’s soil every week or so. 
  • Potted aloes enjoy a liquid houseplant fertilizer once a month to stay fully nourished. 
  • Apply the fertilizer in half-strength concentration.

Soil & Transplanting

Red aloe thrives best in hot, dry as well as cold, humid seasons. 

Transplanting is best done when the cameronii aloe outgrows its pot or is at risk of toppling over. 

In such a case, transfer the pot to a wider container.

When transplanting a garden aloe, dig up a spot in the garden or landscape and replant. 

Once the aloe is placed in the newly dig hole, backfill the soil around the roots. 

Tap down the soil with your hands or gently press it with your feet. 

After two to three days, water the soil around the new transplant.

Grooming & Maintenance

The red aloe requires no special grooming.

This aloe like most aloes does best in a shallow container with proper drainage holes and the ability to accommodate plant roots.



  • Susan Carter , John J. Lavranos , Leonard E. Newton , Colin C. Walker : Aloes. The definitive guide . Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2011, ISBN 978-1-84246-439-7 , pp.575-576 .
  • Leonard Eric Newton: Aloe cameronii . In: Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon. Monocotyledons . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3662-7 , pp.121 .

Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , p. 39.
  2. Gilbert Westacott Reynolds: The Aloes of tropical Africa and Madagascar . The Trustees, Aloes Book Fund, 1966, p. 353.
  3. Journal of South African Botany . Volume 31, Number 2, 1965, pp. 167-168.

Aloe cameronii Care

Red aloe plants are drought-tolerant and do not require much water or fertilizer. They also make excellent indoor houseplants if you want to keep them small and outdoor xeriscapes.


Aloe cameronii will thrive in full sun but can also tolerate partial shade. The shade of the leaves is heavily dependent on the light, so experiment with it until you find the colors most pleasing to the eye.

Don’t worry about stressing the plant; it can handle it.


Aloe cameronii does not need any soil amendments. The plant is very forgiving in terms of growing conditions and will do well in whatever type of soil you have available.

There is only one requirement; the soil needs to be well-draining.


The Red Aloe does not need a lot of water. The plant will thrive with a deep watering once per week in the summertime but can go two weeks without any water if necessary.

The key to keeping your Aloe happy is to only water when the soil dries out completely.

Temperature and Humidity

The Red Aloe is a tropical plant, meaning it does best when temperatures are between 55 and 85 degrees. 

The plant will survive in cooler areas but will not thrive. Therefore, keeping your Aloe out of drafts or cold breezes is essential as these can be detrimental to your plant’s health.


You don’t need to fertilize your Aloe cameronii to keep it healthy, but it can be beneficial to promote faster growth. Use balanced liquid fertilizer for the best results.

Just remember not to overfeed your plant, as this can lead to stunted growth and disease.

Aloe Cameronii cheat sheet (“File:170411 687 Encinitas – San Diego Botanic Gdn, Old World Desert Gdn, Aloe dorotheae, Aloe cameronii, guessing on both, Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Sticks on Fire’ (34456913771).jpg” by cultivar413 from Fallbrook, California is licensed under CC BY 2.0.)

Fun Facts About Aloe cameronii

  1. The red pigment in Aloe cameronii’s leaves is due to the presence of anthocyanins, which are also found in other red, blue, and purple plants.
  2. In its native habitat, Aloe cameronii often grows on rocky hillsides, demonstrating its ability to thrive in challenging conditions.
  3. Aloe cameronii is a member of the Asphodelaceae family, which includes around 500 species of Aloe and other related plants.
  4. The vibrant red color of the leaves intensifies when the plant is exposed to cooler temperatures or drought stress. Otherwise, Aloe cameronii will be a vibrant green color.

Aloe cameronii is a stunning and versatile plant that deserves a place in any succulent enthusiast’s collection. With its vibrant red leaves and attractive flowers, it adds a touch of elegance and color to the garden landscape. By following the care guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure your Aloe cameronii ‘Starfish Aloe’ thrives and showcases its full potential.

Potting and Repotting Aloe cameronii

Aloe cameronii are fairly low-maintenance plants that can be repotted when the soil becomes compacted or if you need to move it.

You can repot your Aloe into a larger pot or use a container with more drainage holes.

It’s important not to overwater your Aloe after repotting because this can lead to root rot.


  • Prepare the pot. A clay or terracotta pot with drainage holes works best.

  • Prepare the soil. A good soil mix for succulents is 1 part potting soil, two parts perlite or pumice, and 1 part sand.

  • Choose the spot. Aloe cameronii like full sun and warm temperatures.

  • Gather the tools. You’ll need a trowel, potting soil, water basket, and the aloe plant itself.

How to Repot (Step-by-Step)

  1. Remove the Aloe from its pot. Try not to disturb any roots that have grown outside of the pot.
  2. Toss out the old soil and cut away dead roots (if needed).
  3. Fill the new container with the preselected potting soil.
  4. Place the plant into the prepared container making sure it’s stable and won’t tip over easily.
  5. Water thoroughly after a week’s grace period to help the plant settle in.


What is the use of Red Aloe? 

Red Aloe is a very popular houseplant, and it’s easy to see why. The red and green leaves are beautiful, as are the flowers that grow in some varieties. Red Aloe can also be used to make medicine.

How do you care for an Aloe cameronii plant? 

The best way to care for an Aloe cameronii plant is to allow it plenty of sunlight. This will help your aloe get the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and happy. Avoid overwatering, and your plant should be fine.

Is Aloe cameronii medicinal? 

Yes, Aloe cameronii is medicinal. It has been used to treat minor cuts and burns, insect bites, and other skin irritations.

Common Problems

  • Overfertilization: Overfertilization is another common problem. If you fertilize your plant too often, it will develop nutrient burn. This can also be incredibly difficult to treat and may spell death for the plant.

  • Browning Leaves: If your plant is developing brown, dying leaves, it may be due to too much or too little water. Adjust your watering routine accordingly.

  • Overwatering: If you overwater your plant, it will develop root rot. Root rot can be almost impossible to treat, but if you catch it early on, there are methods you can use. But the easiest solution is to avoid overwatering in the first place.

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